Скачать Skype для Mac OS X
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2 885 загрузок
Приложение Skype для Mac теперь доступно для загрузки с официального сайта. Также, вы можете скачать новую версию с нашего блога. На данный момент ничего не известно, что именно изменилось в Skype для Mac OS X…
«Подробнее о Skype для Mac OS X»
«Подробнее о Skype для Mac OS X»
1 комментарий
), #You asked, we delivered
Hanging out with the cool kids: We've introduced Together Mode to give everyone in your call the best seat in the house. And as if that wasn't enough, we've added Large Gallery Mode so you can see everyone's video stream all at once. Learn more about switching views in a Skype video call.
Let me add you: This version of Skype includes the option to add someone to an ongoing Skype call by their phone number as well as via Skype. Learn more about calling in Skype.
What's that behind you?: We've added more predefined backgrounds and more background categories, and we're adding more all the time. Learn more about changing your background in Skype.
Meet Now, Right Now: Meet Now is integrated in Windows 10, so you can meet with a simple click. Learn more about Meet Now.
Bug fixes and stability improvements. Bugs? Stomped. Improvements? Made. Done.